• Corriere della Sera
  • Trentodoc
  • Trentino

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Trentodoc Tasting
sabato 21 settembre - Ore 19:00
Durata: 1 ora

Vicolo S. Marco, 38122 Trento TN

Trentodoc Evolution (In Eng Lang.)

This Trentodoc tasting will be held in English language/Questa degustazione verrà condotta in lingua inglese.

After production,Trentodoc continues to evolve in the bottle and this also applies to the Reserve. During this period, the wine may develop new aromatic qualities and complexity. Factors such as the composition of the wine, the period of ageing and storage conditions affect its evolution in the bottle.

With Essi Avellan and Pietro Russo, Masters of Wine.

The Trentodoc labels for tasting will be published on the Trentodoc App five minutes before the event so that guests can consult the product data sheets and make their own notes.


Scheda Ospite Essi Avellan

Essi Avellan

Scheda Ospite Pietro Russo

Pietro Russo




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